Download sharpkeys windows 10
Download sharpkeys windows 10

Once you've made your changes, the program processes them all at once and requires a reboot. The program lets you make multiple changes at once, so you can completely reprogram your keyboard to turn it into a Dvorak keyboard or to utilize another obscure keyboard layout. You can make a letter a number, a number a function, and any other change your needs dictate.

download sharpkeys windows 10

SharpKeys lets you assign a new meaning to any key on your keyboard. Reversing any unwanted changes is just as easy, which makes this program a nifty tool if you have a need for it. It's a neat way to switch to a new keyboard layout or simply prank your friends. It’s also especially useful if you’re running Windows on your Mac via Boot Camp and the Opt / Cmd keys don’t translate correctly to the Windows and Alt keys.SharpKeys lets you reprogram your keyboard without requiring any Registry hacking skills or any other tricks. It’s a small utility that manages all those Registry keys and values for you, giving you a simple interface for mapping one key to another-or even turning keys off-without you having to bother with the Registry at all. Remapping keys is great for getting your keys working the way you want them. That’s where SharpKeys comes into the picture. But why use the hard way, when there’s an easier-and free-way. You can actually remap your keys the hard way using a Registry hack like the one we cover for disabling your Caps Lock key. Update: While SharpKeys continues to work on every version of Windows, Microsoft has a PowerToy available that allows you to easily remap keys on Windows 10 or Windows 11.

download sharpkeys windows 10

If you’re tired of the way certain keys on your system work, you can re-map them to function as a different key by using a free utility named SharpKeys.

Download sharpkeys windows 10